Monday, 10 November 2008

Videos from november, 7th, 2008: experiments with cello, trumpet and violin.

Here's some videos we recorded at studio on 7th of November. Experimental music with classic instruments: I play cello and Vampire plays trumpet and violin.

2008.11.07 - Sample I (25.92 Mb, avi format) - trumpet, cello and crazy vocal
2008.11.07 - Sample II (18.64 Mb, avi format) - trumpet, cello and crazy vocal
2008.11.07 - Sample III (49.77 Mb, avi format) - violin, cello and crazy vocal
2008.11.07 - Sample IV (13.42 Mb, avi format) - violin, cello and crazy vocal

I myself like the Sample III the most.
The last sample was not recorded till the end - the camera we used has a card for only about 20 minutes total.

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